Nokia 5130 Lcd display white or blank solution jumper ways

In this cell phone diagram different lcd jack pins are having numbers with different colors so you have to check all these links with same colors and same pin numbers and if any of them is broken or missing and do not show value with meter then you can make jumpers with same colors and numbers as given in diagram.

Nokia 5130 auto on off or restart problem solution parts and ways

Nokia 5130 auto on off or restart then you can solve this by this image look at this diagram you can see some resistances and volume and camera switch buttons so clean these resistances and buttons with electronics cleaner and leave them to dry for a few mints or apply some heat with hot air but not too much that the melt buttons.

Nokia 5130 Ringer Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

Nokia 5130 low ring tone sound no sound no ringing problem solving with the help of this image.

Nokia 5130 Mic problem solution ways jumpers.

If you have a mic problem in nokia 5130. then check with this image and solve.

Nokia 5130 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways.

If keypad is not working in nokia 5130 all keys or a few keys are not working then check these colorful diagram there are outer and inner keypad are define with different colors so that you can understand easily which keys of set are in the same track.

1,4,7,* is in same line.
2,5,8,0 is in same line.
3,6,9,# is in same line.
up, down, menu and dial key is in same line.

Nokia 5130 keypad light ways probelm solution jumpers

If you having a problem with cellphone nokia 5130 keypad light and these light are not working and getting light on then check these links that are define with red and blue color in this picture.

Nokia 5130 LCD light problem solution ways jumpers tracking

In cellphone nokia 5130 if lcd display light is not working and light is not getting on then this cell phone diagram and post will help you to solve this light problem in nokia 5130 lcd display.

look at the cell phone diagram and in it you can see some different colors lines and also some parts that are in line and in circled with different colors and box. these lines are showing and defining all lcd light tracks and values.

Nokia 5130 show not charging Problem, Solution Ways

Charging solution cellphone Nokia 5130 Charging ways prints problem when charging problem in the Nokia 5130 is cellphone diagram that will help you to this problem

simply with a few tips and tricks. all charging process is shown in red line chart right top. so check all these parts with the meter and if one of them is broken or missing at that time to make jumper from charges starting point in cell phone.

Nokia 5130 On-Off switch problem ways solution dead

Cellphone nokia 5130 classic button does not work. If power button does not work in Nokia 5130 cellphone this picture is much useful for you to make jumpers, as shown in the cellphone diagram first check contimuity and if not, make jumper.

Nokia 5130 Ear peace Speaker Porblem jumper ways

Step1 - Check the speaker points on board that they show that the continuity not in cellphone. it is too simple just two points before the shows with meter. If continuity the average change of the speaker of cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper ways

If you have mic problem in cellphone nokia C3-00 then this cellphone diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few steps.

Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Soluiton jumper ways

If you have charging problem in cellphone nokia C3-00 then here is diagram that will be able to solve 100% charging problem in cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Porblem Solution Jumpers

If you have Power on problem in cellphone nokia C3-00 and cellphone is not getting power on but charging well and good it means it can be the problem of power button in cellphone. If when we plug in charger and it start charging it means cellphone is working but not getting power on so we have to search its on/off switch button track ways.

Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem solution jumper ways

Today i am going to post a diagram that will help you to solve insert sim problem in cellphone nokia C3-00 first of all you should check some different sim in it and if no one is working with nokia C3-00 cellphone  and on each sim you find "insert sim" then you can solve this insert sim problem in cellphone with this diagram that is given bellow.

Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not working Porblem solution jumpers.

If earpeace speaker of cellphone nokia C3-00 is not working and you having any problem about speaker in nokia C3-00 cellphone this post will help you to solve this problem about speaker.

Nokia C3-00 ringer problem solution jumper ways

If you have ringer problem in cellphone nokia C3-00 then this diagram will help you to solve this problem.

Nokia X1-01 Mic problem solution jumper ways

If you have mic problem in cellphone nokia X1-01 then this cellphone diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few steps. In first step check board vary carefully if there is any water damage or rust on board then clean it with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for few minutes under electrical bulb so that it can be dry the cellphone board.

Nokia 5530 Auto Off during call Problem Solution

If nokia 5530 is getting off automatically during call then you can solve this problem in a few steps that i am going to write down.
Step1: change its ear peace (speaker).
Step2: if with the step1 problem not solve then paste a screen tap or striker on backside as shown in diagram above so that it can not be ground.
Actual issue behind this problem is that it got ground with housing (casing). So when we apply striker then it disconnect and become ok.

Nokia C1-01 Led light problem solution jumper ways

This post is to solve lcd led display lights, keypad lights problem. Just remove three leg transistor and make these jumpers as shown in diagram here in this post.

Nokia 101 Dead and Not switch On with battery

If you have a nokia 101 Dead problem and it can not be switch on power on with battery but can be on with dc power supply then you can try this solution. Look at the diagram given here in this post.

Nokia 101 Insert Sim Solution Jumper ways

Nokia 101 have two stand by sims in it. If you are facing insert sim problem in nokia 101 for both sims or a single sim is not working here is the diagram that will help you to solve this problem in nokia 101.

Nokia 1202 1203 ringer Speaker Problem Solved without IC

to solve ringer speaker ear peace problem in nokia 1202 and 1203 without 8 leg ic i am going to post a diagram it is very useful diagram and will help you much more in case you have ringer or speaker ear peace problem in nokia 1202 or 1203 remove this ic and make short these two point of upper right corner and also a jumper in two bottom left legs.

Nokia 1200 Insert Sim Problem Jumpers Solution Ways

Nokia 1200 Insert Sim No Sim repairing Solution. Nokia 1200 Insert sim no sim Mobile repair diagram pictures Service Tips and Tricks. Make Jumpers as show in Picture.

Nokia 1200 Lacal Mode Test Mode Problem solution

Nokia 1200 Local mode test mode repairing solution. Nokia 1200 Local mode test mode mobile repair diagram pictures service tips and tricks.

Nokia 1200 Light IC is same like 1110 and 1112

Nokia 1200 Light ic same like 1110 and 1112.
How to use 1110 1112 1600 light ic in 1200 1208 1209.
this ic is same in these nokia mobiles.

This three leg ic can be used in any of nokia 1110 nokia 1112 nokia 1200 nokia 1208 nokia 2310 nokia 6030 and all such mobiles.

Nokia 1200 Keypad Problem Jumper solutions ways

Here i will post how to solve Nokia 1200 keypad problem with jumper solution. with bellow diagram you can see this

And another diagram bellow describe how to track

Nokia 1200 display ways jumpers

Nokia 1200 No display lcd repairing solution. Make jumpers as shown in diagram or replace the shown components.

Nokia 1200 charging problem not charging ways solution

Here this diagram help you to solve Nokia 1200 not charging problem.

Nokia 1200, 1208,1650 mic path and ear, ringer path

This diagram will describe how to solve Nokia 1200 or similar cellphone microphone, Ear or ringer path problem.

Nokia 1200 Hand free problem solution charging jack ways

Nokia 1200 Hand free problem solution charging jack ways. In this diagram we can see that if charging and hand free jack prints are damaged then how to make jumpers. All prints are indicated with red lines make all these jumpers and the problem of hand free open will become OK.

Nokia 1200 1208 Blue LCD Display Problem solution ways

Nokia 1200 1208 Blue display problem can be solved with this simple step one check the shown resistance in given diagram bellows and also change lcd strip your blue display problem will be solved 100% with it.

Nokia 1202 Keypad problem solution ways track, keypad not working jumpers

This diagram is about keypad track and function in nokia 1202 and nokia 1203 so please check this diagram carefully and it will help you to solve the keypad problem in nokia 1202 and 1203. There are two models of nokia 1202 one have keypad ic and second do not have a keypad ic and have links direct into main ic. So when you see closely to the main board there are some little points and check the links with meter these links as shown in diagram given bellow.

Nokia 1200 white display problem after a few second slution jumpers ways

Display got white after a few seconds in nokia 1200 can be solved with this useful diagram that is given bellow and first of all check if first resistance is ground if it is ground then remove these two resistances and make jumpers as shown in second step of this diagram as indicated with red lines in bellow diagram. This can solve white display after few seconds in nokia 1200

Nokia 1200 Light Problem Solution without Light IC with Jumpers

Simply remove light ic and also a light at the left side as shown in diagram then make jumpers as shown in it all track and links from lcd jack to light ic can be easily indicated in deagram given with this post. So after making these jumpers you will be able to solve light problem without light ic.